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Designer Copyright,
Protecting your web design by registering your work.
- A must for internet webmasters registering copyright will protect
your work against infringement.
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registration explaining how to protect internet design work.
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(c) Copyright 2000 Design Copyright Registration for the UK
Why register your work?
Although copyright is an automatic right of the author, if an unscrupulous third party decides to infringe your work, proving it can be a difficult matter. In the past, a popular solution has been to post a copy to yourself, but it is a relatively easy task to open and replace the contents, and without more substantial evidence disputes can boil down to a case of 'their word against yours', and if the other party has greater financial resources, reputation and lawyers it may be very difficult to get a ruling in your favour. On top of that you run the risk of being branded a con artist. This is why the best solution is to have the work registered, so that in the event of a dispute you have independent evidence that you are the copyright owner One of the key considerations in setting up the UKCS was to achieve a better level of copyright protection at a price that everyone can afford. It is essentially an independent witnessing service and an archive of original works, which offers impartial supporting evidence as to copyright ownership. Nothing can ever 100% guarantee your work but if you follow our guidelines we feel you will have done as much as is affordably possible to protect your work. What happens when your work is registered? Everyone who registers work is given an individual account. Each work registered is given a unique code identifying it as your work, and information about the work is stored in the account, for example the date the work was registered, the type of work, duration of the registration period, etc. You will then be sent a certificate as proof of registration. An entry in our registry is evidence of copyright ownership from the date of registration, and will assist you in the event of a dispute. What if an infringement is made on your copyright? In the event of a dispute over copyright. The UKCS can act as impartial independent witness, providing evidence as to the authenticity of your claim. UKCS can verify when the work was first registered by means of; a certificate of registry as proof of your copyright from the registration date. (further copies can be made at your request), and at your instruction we can produce copies of the work as proof of originality, these can be sent to any address you specify, for example it may be your solicitor, or the judge/tribunal dealing with your case.
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